
How to write useful content for a specific target audience

Be aware that it is impossible to create the perfect content before figuring out your potential customers.

Writing the “right” articles is time-consuming. Therefore, do not waste it on content that is not customer-oriented. Firstly, find out your target audience, expectations, and aspirations.

What content do your future/present customers need?

The easiest way to find it out is to clarify the following questions:

  • What is the product or service of my company?
  • What are the demographic characteristics of your customers?
  • What is the purpose of the content (newsletters, blog articles, etc.)?

Now let’s discover, what type of ‘call to action’ is the most effective

  • If you want a good result, use concise and clear calls to action;
  • Do not tease your audience with repeated CTAs. One will be enough;
  • Variation of choice kills conversion. Make the call to action short and simple.

Keep track of customer social activity

In which social networks does CA read your content? On what topics comes into the discussion. What likes and reposts. This information will help you understand what your audience likes or dislikes. And what they are interested in reading.

Focus on those issues that often arise with subscribers.

Make a list. Find what is being discussed on social networks or take from the letters you receive from clients. Then sort the easy questions from expert-level issues. These will be good ideas for articles or newsletters.

No plagiarism

Search engines, like users, do not like plagiarism and do not show the same texts in the search results. This happens not only because copying information from other sites is not good, but also because no one is interested in opening a site behind a site that says the same thing. In general, non-unique and copied text is not ranked in search results. This makes no sense, so write unique text. Many programs allow you to appreciate the uniqueness. Different services evaluate it differently, including search engines. But, within the framework of current realities, on average, it is worth sticking to the uniqueness of 90% for different services (who will be interested, I will describe in more detail the process of the algorithms in a separate article).

Make pragmatic content

*It can help to find out how customers will save time and money by using your products. And in the end, finish them off with an emotional story about something fascinating.

Some more tips:

  • To optimize the site, it is necessary to write texts for people, occasionally inserting key queries so that the readability of the text does not fall, but even on the contrary, interests even more.
  • The title of the text in the H1 tag should contain the most frequent key request.
  • It is possible to highlight keywords with a strong tag, but it is necessary to do this for a positive perception of the text, no more than three times for a text of 3000 characters.
  • The size of the text in characters should ideally be from 2000 characters without spaces.
  • It makes no sense to use keywords that are not supported by-products on the site or services. Do not write about what the user cannot find on the landing page.
  • Do not exaggerate very much the significance of something. Write as is, you can slightly embellish it.
  • You can’t often use keywords, otherwise, you can fall under the spam filter. Do not repeat, look for synonyms and related word forms.
  • See which texts your main competitor has and do better.
  • If possible, write articles about your product and services, making links within SEO texts to interesting and thematic articles.
  • Use only readable and well-perceived fonts, intervals, do not forget to break the text into paragraphs of three or four sentences.
  • Get interested, try to sell the text of a product or service, outline the pluses without noticing the minuses.

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